Writing My First Novel

I’ve written countless pages of fiction, creative nonfiction, poetry, and blog posts since I began my endeavors as a writer.  Most of which have been what I consider paying my dues.  I have only a few legitimate publication credentials (with several hopefuls in the pipeline), quite a few essays and stories ready for revision, and…

Learning and Growing

  After 1,876 cups of coffee, 422 bowls of Squadron Leader tobacco, 2 blood–shot eyes, and 18 months of staring at a computer screen, I have officially earned a Master of Arts in English and Creative Writing (Nonfiction).  Many of you long–time followers of SmoothingIt.com may recall that I took a blogging hiatus to complete…

Once… Upon a Time…

Off Topic, October 2013 Pearl Jam – 10/27/13 – 1st Mariner Arena – Baltimore, MD Rock stars don’t have to be punctual.  People will wait hours after a scheduled start time to see their favorite bands perform.  Me personally, I’m a punctual type.  If I’m on time, I’m late.  I prefer a solid ten to…

On Being a Writer

For this month’s “Off-Topic” post, I’ll be discussing the often difficult hobby/career of writing.  It seems that everyone wants to be a writer.  However, finding the right niche, and more importantly, the dedication, is much more difficult than most imagine.  Understand that I am not speaking of blogging specifically.  Blogging is only one form of…

To My Beard, With Love…

Last month’s off-topic post was all about shaving, more specifically, about finding zen in shaving with a safety razor.  For my August 2013 off-topic, I decided to go the exact opposite and express my love for the burly, often unkept, scraggly, and multi-colored beard growing beneath my nose. It seems that bearding is everywhere.  Celebrities…